08 November 2009

The German Corner

In the city of Coblenz at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers, sits the monument to German Unity know as Deutsche Eck. Translated this means "The German Corner". Frannie and I see this almost every day on one of our walks.

The monument was originally built in 1897 to honor Wilhelm I, who fought several wars for German union. Under his reign the German Empire included areas which are today parts of Russia, Poland, France, Denmark, Belgium and Lithuania.

The large central statue of Wilhelm I was actually damaged in 1945 and sunk in the Rhine. It was not recovered and restored until 1993, after the fall of the Berlin wall.

Today, the flags of the 16 German states fly around the monument with a large flag of German. Also on display are also 3 sections from the Berlin wall


  1. You are living the life and how wonderful it is to have that view during a doggy walk! Frannie is now a refined canine. ;-) Cheers!


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